In my last post on emotional intelligence I tried to give an overview of emotional intelligence. In this post I will try to gone through the components of emotional intelligence and the relative emotional competence framework. In the previous post I define EI as a form of intelligence relating to the emotional side of life, such as the ability to recognize and manage one’s own and others’ emotions, to motivate oneself and restrain impulses, and to handle interpersonal relationships effectively.
The concept of EI was originated by Daniel Goleman, psychologist, denoting the cluster of traits/abilities relating to the emotional side of life. The five components of emotional intelligence are visualized in the following figure:
EI Components The above stated components also shape the framework for emotional competence. Let us have a look on the details of these components: Self Awareness
Emotional Awareness: recognizing one’s emotions and their effect
Accurate Self-assessment: knowing one’s strengths and limits
Self-confidence: A strong sense of one’s self-worth
Self Regulation
Self-control: Keeping disruptive emotions and impulses in check
Trustworthiness: Maintaining standards of honesty and integrity
Conscientiousness: Taking responsibility for personal performance
Adaptability: Flexibility in handling change
Innovation: Being comfortable with novel ideas, approaches and new information
Achievement drive: Striving to improve or meet a standard of excellence
Commitment: Aligning with the goals of the group or organization
Initiative: Readiness to act on opportunities
Optimism: Persistence in pursuing goals despite obstacles and setbacks
Understanding others: sensing others’ feelings and perspectives, taking an active interest in their concerns
Developing others: Sensing others development needs and bolstering their abilities
Service orientation: Anticipating, recognizing, and meeting customers’ needs
Leveraging diversity: Cultivating opportunities through different kinds of people
Political Awareness: Reading a group’s emotional currents and power relationships Social Skills
Influence: Wielding effective tactics for persuasion
Communication: Listening openly and sending convincing messages
Conflict management: Negotiating and resolving disagreements
Leadership: Inspiring and guiding individuals and groups
Change Catalyst: Initiating or managing change
Building bonds: Nurturing instrumental relationships The emotional competences discussed above helps us to grow our emotional intelligence. The people may differentiate as “Person with Low Emotional Intelligence” and “Person with High Emotional Intelligence”. There are certain attributes that used to determine the level of emotional intelligence. The attributes are very mush distinguishable in terms of emotional competence. Have a look on the picture.
The five elements of emotional intelligence are important building blocks for relating to people and achieving their goals. Whatever stage of life and profession you are at; working on these elements of emotional intelligence will increase your chances of successfully achieving positive outcomes. By putting the pieces together and building someone’s own emotional intelligence. A person with high emotional intelligence is more resilient and dependable to offer inspirational leadership in guiding groups and people through change. It may bring someone as catalyst for change to others. So good luck.
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